In the academic curriculum, it is necessary that the seminarian come to understand the role of music in worship, appreciate the great treasury of musical forms which is our heritage, and become well grounded in the documents and spirit of the liturgical renewal.

Conscious that the best learning comes from experience, it is strongly encouraged that seminary worship be broad in nature, of the highest quality, and under the direction of qualified professionals lest the poor quality of the experience close the future presider to the richness of various musical forms.

The seminarian should also have the opportunity of working with professional musicians and liturgists to gain the professional skills needed to fulfill the celebrant's proper role, to gain practical experience in liturgical planning that includes many points of view and varieties of taste, and to gain the interpersonal skills necessary for the contemporary parish structures.

The Conference offers its prayers, support, and any assistance it can provide in the preparation of the future leaders of the Church at prayer.

January, 1991

San Francisco, California